Why Do Babies Like Swings? 6 Reasons That Will Blow Your Mind

why do babies like swings

You put your baby in his swing, you see the baby laugh, and his eyes lit up excitedly.
It’s a familiar scene for many parents that leaves them wondering, “Why do babies like swings?”

Swings seem to have some magic that makes babies love them and brings them so much joy.
But we know there is no magic behind the process, and curious about the actual reasons behind their love for swings.

In this blog post, we’ll cover both possible aspects of this topic:

  • Why do newborns like baby swings?
  • Why do babies like swings?

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Why do newborns like Baby swings?

First, let’s find out why our little ones fall in love with their baby swings.

Swing Mimics the Womb Experience

The first 3 months of a newborn’s life are called the Fourth Trimester.
In the fourth Trimester, the baby may sometimes feel uneasy because he is trying to adjust to the new environment.
Baby swings have many amazing features that make babies feel like they are in their mother’s womb.

The back-and-forth motion of the swing reminds the baby of gentle swaying he felt while inside the mother’s womb.
The gentle sounds or white noise in baby swings mimic the ambient noise babies hear in the womb, such as the mother’s heartbeat or blood flow.

With the help of all these features, baby swings mimic the womb environment, make the baby feel comfortable, and help him adjust to the new environment.

Swing Keeps Baby Entertained

Baby swings have surprisingly upgraded over time.
Old swings just gave manual back-and-forth motion.
Now, swings are fully loaded with soothing and entertaining features like:

  • Different swinging motions with different speeds
  • Built-in music, melodies, or nature sounds for baby’s entertainment
  • Different levels of Vibrations for soothing the baby
  • Mobile and Toy bar over baby’s head to keep him engaged
  • Different recline positions to adjust seat position according to baby’s preference and comfort
  • Swings come with 3-point harness or others with 5 point harness for the baby’s safety

All these features keep babies secure and entertained in swings more than ever.

Swinging Motion Improves Baby’s Vestibular System

Before we find out how swinging motion improves the vestibular system, let’s understand with an example what this “Vestibular system” is.

What is the Vestibular System

Imagine you are on a swing.
When you swing back and forth, you feel the wind on your face and you see the sky and the ground changing.

How do you know which way you are moving and where you are?

That’s because you have a special system in your ear that helps you feel your balance and position. It is called the vestibular system.

How Swinging is Beneficial for the Vestibular System

Swinging motion stimulates the baby’s vestibular system by providing rotational and linear movement that changes the position of the head and body.

This changing of position helps the brain to interpret movement information and coordinate it with other senses, such as vision and touch.
Swinging also helps to improve postural control, balance, muscle tone, eye/head coordination, and bilateral coordination.

Baby Swings Enhance Baby’s Visual Development

Baby swings also provide visual stimulation to babies.
Visual stimulation is necessary for babies because it helps them learn about their environment and develop their visual skills.

Visual stimulation is the exposure to different colors, shapes, patterns, and movements that stimulate the baby’s eyes and brain.

Swings often come with colorful toys or mobiles to capture babies’ attention.
Babies love watching these objects move and sway, which sparks their curiosity and stimulates their visual senses.
It’s like having their very own mini entertainment center.

The visual stimulation provided by these objects can also help promote their visual tracking skills and cognitive development.
However, too much or too little stimulation can make the baby feel overwhelmed or bored.

So, parents should monitor their baby’s reactions and adjust the amount and type of stimulation according to his reaction.

Colicky Babies Feel Relaxed in Swings

Colic is a condition where a healthy baby (who has no illness) cries for hours for no apparent reason.
A baby usually faces it in the first six months of his life.

Some Pediatricians believe that acid reflux is one of the causes of colic, but the exact cause is still unknown.

This pediatric research showed that 97% of the babies experienced less intense colic when they felt any vibration frequency with or without sound.
This research evidences that swings with vibrating modes and gentle sounds can be a helpful tool in soothing colicky babies.

Most baby swings come up with different vibrations and a built-in list of melodies and nature sounds, which is why baby swings help in soothing colicky babies.

Swing Helps Baby to Take a Nap

Baby swings are also an excellent gadget to lull fussy babies to sleep.
The swinging motions, melodies, and nature sounds create a peaceful ambiance that lulls babies into a state of relaxation, making it easier for them to fall asleep.

Safety Note:

The American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) says babies should NOT sleep in a swing.
Sleeping in a swing can pose some risks for babies, such as difficulty breathing, injury to the head or neck, flat spots on the head, or accidental suffocation.

As soon as your baby falls asleep, move him into any firm flat sleeping surface like a bassinet or crib that is safe for the baby while sleeping.

All these aspects together make a solid reason why babies like their swings.

Swings can calm your baby when he is fussy, entertain him when bored, and lull him to sleep when he is tired.
They can also help reduce colic symptoms for some babies, making them feel more relaxed and happy.

It makes him feel safe, cozy, and stimulated at the same time.
No wonder your baby likes his swing.
So I hope the next time your little one giggles and smiles in his swing, you’ll know why your baby loves the swing so much.

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Why do Babies Like Swings

Now, let’s understand why older babies like park swings:

why do babies like swings

Swinging is Fun and Exciting

Older babies like playground swings because they provide a fun and exciting way to explore their environment and experience new sensations.
Swinging can stimulate their senses of sight, sound, touch, and movement and make them joyful.

Swing Helps in Physical Development

Swinging helps babies develop their gross motor skills.
As they hold onto the swing’s chains or ropes and try to maintain their balance, they engage their muscles and improve their coordination.
Swinging also strengthens their core muscles, essential for sitting and crawling.

Swinging Calms Nerves and Anxiety

Swinging helps babies calm their nerves and reduce stress and anxiety.
Swings can provide a soothing and relaxing effect, as the rhythmic motion can lull them into calmness and comfort.
Swinging can also release endorphins, the natural chemicals that make us happy and reduce stress.

Social Interaction

Parks are often gathering places for families, so swings provide opportunities for social interaction.
Swinging can encourage them to interact with other kids and learn to share and cooperate.

Swinging can teach them to wait patiently, take turns, follow the rules, and respect others.
Swinging can also help promote communication and language skills as they talk to their friends, express their emotions, and listen to others.

And one more thing that babies can learn is Not To Do This With Others. (Watch GIF.)



In conclusion, swings not only provide fun and soothing for babies, but they also help them grow and learn in different ways.

Swinging can improve their sensory, motor, cognitive, and emotional skills.
It can also offer them stimulation, comfort, and joy.
That’s why babies of all ages love to spend time on swings.

However, parents must ensure that the swing their baby uses is safe, comfortable, and appropriate for their age and size.
This applies to both baby swings and swings at the park.

Using the wrong swing can cause accidents that can hurt the baby badly.
But when used properly with all safety guidelines, swings are absolutely safe for babies.

We hope this post helped you know the reasons why do babies like swings.
Thanks for reading!

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